Tuesday, August 2, 2022

The HEALING process


2 Timothy 4:7

King James Version

7 I have fought a good fight, 

I have finished my course, 

I have kept the faith:

This blog is not a 12-step thing.

If anything, it may even be a SEVEN-step process.

How can one overcome addiction?

Here's what SPIRIT recommends:

FIRST, acknowledge the addiction.

SECOND, know the enemy.

THIRD, desire to be cured.

FOURTH, find the cure.

FIFTH, remain cured.

SIXTH, help others conquer, too.

SEVENTH, acknowledge the Healer.

Healing begins with acknowledging.

If you're in denial, you're not ready.

This is a spiritual battle.

Know the enemy.

Do you really want to be cured?

Is the desire so great, to overcome, that you will hurdle all obstacles?

If you really want to be cured, you will find a cure.

On this blog, the WORD of GOD is the cure.

Just as with any form of addiction, we may backslide.

Can you remain cured?

The WORD of GOD is good news.

Why keep it to yourself?

With that very simple process, we can begin looking at the challenges the world has thrown at us.

Head over to the next posts.

Image: IMG Bin

COVETOUSNESS is idolatry

 Colossians 3:5-6 King James Version 5 Mortify therefore your members  which are upon the earth;  fornication, uncleanness,  inordinate affe...